Barry Menglong Yao

Barry Menglong Yao

PhD student in Computer Science

Virginia Tech

Barry Menglong Yao is a PhD student in Computer Science at Virginia Tech, advised by Dr. Lifu Huang. Before that, he was a master’s student of Computer Science at the University at Buffalo, advised by Dr. Changyou Chen. He was also a graduate research assistant in Dr. David Doermann’s Federated Learning project. He received the Best Paper Award Honorable Mention from SIGIR 2023 and the Best MS Research Award from the CSE department at the University at Buffalo.

Check my CV .

  • Entity Linking
  • Fake news detection
  • PhD in Computer Science, Present

    Virginia Tech

  • M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2022

    University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

  • B.S. in Computer Science and Technology, 2016

    Jilin University